Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hershey Museum

Last week, as a final summer activity, we used a family pass I had purchased at our older boys' school's auction last spring and visited The Hershey Museum in yummy Hershey, PA. We live less than a half hour from Hershey, so this was the perfect little afternoon trip. The Hershey Museum, while not large, proved to be perfect for our boys. There was enough interesting trivia and information to keep the older boys intrigued, yet enough hands-on activities to keep Benjamin out of trouble. Nathaniel was pretty much just along for the you will see in one of the photos below! A kind stranger attempted to take a family photo for us (first photo below) but it was next to impossible to get everyone looking in the same direction at the same time. I think it turned out okay nonetheless! After the museum, we walked over to Hershey's Chocolate World and rode the free factory tour ride with the free chocolate handouts at the end...yum!

Here is our attempt at a family photo...four out of six ain't bad!

Dave obliged me for this photo of PA Dutch settlers' clothing.

These are some of the original character costumes used in Hershey Park over the years.

This is an original car from one of the historic roller coasters at Hershey Park.

Here's Mr. Ham-it-up-for-the-camera!

The following photos are from the hands-on children's area at The Hershey Museum. Benjamin loved playing with the food ("May I take your order?") and the old-fashioned household items. Jonathan and Sabastian enjoyed putting together informational puzzles (as a competition of course! ) and they obliged Mom for a photo on the covered wagon horses. A fun day was had by all!


LizzieJane said...

Oh what fun, every one looks like they are having a whale of a time.
Great family photo's Terri, thank you for letting us see them.

Stephanie said...

Are my nephews handsome or what?? Looks like a fun day! You're looking great, Ter!

Anonymous said...

Wow, alot has changed at the Hershey Museum! I grew up in Hershey and went as a kid, but it was -how shall we say it- BOOORING back then. Looks like they have lots of new fun things. We'll have to take our little twerp sometime soon!! :o)

P.S. I just looked up "twerp" in the dictionary to be sure I spelled it right, and I was shocked at the definition!

According to Webster, it is "a silly, insignificant, or contemptible person " That's certainly not how I've been using it! lol Anyway, I meant "twerp" lovingly. As in, a short, little person.

OK, I'm done now! :)

Bethany said...

Looks like great fun! We've never even been there! And S and J are looking so much older!!! Hope school is going well this year!